Every black bead is magnetic and you can configure the wraps to be necklaces, chokers, anklets, or bracelets. Below is a selection of the wraps we offer for sale. To view our wraps, scroll down the page
[ Bracelets ] [ Necklaces ] [ Anklets ] [ Pet Collars ]
Model HH401 |
Model HH402 |
Model HH403
Model HH404
[ Necklaces ] [ Bracelets ] [ Anklets ] [ Pet Collars ] For those that wish to snail mail a personal check or money order, please make your check payable to:
OPB Entertainment Include the cost of the wrap and the $4 shipping & Handling along with the model number and color desired. To order by phone with your credit card, please call (562) 594-8265 between 11AM and 8PM Pacific Time 7 days/week. The Magnetic Hematite Shoppe is a division of the OPB Entertainent Partnership.
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